Essential Oils

These wonderful scents are made from different herbs. They can be diluted with carrier oils and applied to the skin, made into bath salts, mixed into formulas, diffused mechanically or inhaled straight from the bottle. Four Seasons is proud to offer you oils from Amrita .  We have found their oils to be of superior quality.

  • Basil (Holy)-10 ml

    Basil (Holy)-10 ml

    The rich scent of this oil helps treat depression and strengthens the nervous system.  It stimulates menstruation an…



  • Bergamot

    This anti-depressant oil has a rich, slightly citrus scent that has a calming and nourishing effect. Add to formulas …



  • Birch- 10ml

    Birch- 10ml

    Birch is an anti-inflammatory oil and is said to be excellent for massaging sore muscles, sprains and painful joints.…



  • Calming and Regenerating Body Oil 100 ml

    Calming & Regenerating Body Oil: A soothing, restorative blend of Amrita's fine body oil base with the luxurious ess…


  • Clove Buds- 10ml

    Clove Buds- 10ml

    Cloves are used in traditional medicine as a carminative, anti-emetic and counterirritant. Clove tea is used to relie…



  • Cypress-10ml


    Known for it's astringent properties, Cypress oil can be added to footbaths for feet that excessively sweat. Used to …



  • Eucalyptus 10ml

    Eucalyptus 10ml

    Eucalyptus Globulus (Sweet) "mucous relieving, pain relieving" A few drops of this healing oil can be mixed in a bowl of…



  • Frankincense-5ml


    This woody scent may be inhaled to help relieve respiratory problems and is a comforting oil in times of anxiety. The…



  • Headache Relief-10ml

      A soothing traditional formula considered helpful with migrain…



  • Jojoba Oil 60ml

    A liquid plant wax that absorbs quickly and protects skin from moisture loss. Jojoba is the longest lasting carrier o…



  • Lavender- 10 ml

    Lavender- 10 ml

      Lavandula off. var. vera Ecologically Ethical, Flower Top, Bulgaria Fresh, herbal, sweet and floral …



  • Lemon 10ml

    Lemon 10ml

    Lemon is perfect for diffusing in the home or office. Its antiseptic quality purifies the air, and it is a powerful s…




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